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Request Funding

All Community Equipment/Program requests to the Committee must be formal and follow a structured process.

Prior to Requesting

  • Obtain 2 quotes for the equipment/program you are seeking funding for. These quotes must be submitted along with the Request for Funding Form.

  • Be able to explain what equipment or program you are asking for as well as why it is needed in the community and what purpose it serves to improve healthcare. Please indicate whether this equipment or program is new or a replacement.

  • Complete the request form in full. If there are any questions during the preparation of the request please forward to the Olds Healthcare Fundraising Committee.

  • Once the request form is filled out, send it along with the quotes and any other information to the Olds Healthcare Fundraising Committee at

Approval Process

  • The Committee will send you confirmation that they have received your request and inform you of which Committee meeting the request will go to. Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of every month excluding July, August and December. Request must be in at least 1 week before a Committee meeting to be placed on the agenda.

  • The request will be presented to the Committee at the said meeting

  • The outcome of the Committee meeting will be one of 3 possibilities:

    •  The request will be approved

    •  The request will be denied

    • The request will be asked for more information, in which case the user group will be invited to present and answer questions at the next meeting of the Committee. There will be a time limit of 10-15 minutes for this presentation.

  • The results of the Committee meeting will be communicated by the Committee to the person requesting funding.

  • If the result is an approval then permission to order will be granted. The Committee will need to be invoiced or receipted for record keeping purposes.

After Donation

The Committee requests that a picture of the equipment /program be sent along with a thank you to the Board be sent for record keeping and promotional purposes.

Patient Room

Current Campaign

31 New Hospital Beds

Each bed costs approximately $18,000 each.  To ensure a cushion we are committed to raising $300,000 over the next two years. With the Luft and Ross Family Hospital Equipment Trust, we already have $150,000 towards our goal.

Has enhanced health care in Olds made an impact on you or a family member?

Share your story with us by sending us an email to

​The Olds Health Care Fundraising Committee is dedicated to investing our expertise and resources  to improve health care in the Town of Olds.

Qualified donations will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Registered Charitable B.N.: 11929 6416 RR0001

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