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Panda Warmers for Maternity

Writer: Admin Olds Fundraising CommitteeAdmin Olds Fundraising Committee
Keeping our smallest community member warm

The Olds Healthcare Fundraising Committee (OHFC), through the generous contributions of our community successfully funded the purchase of two (2) Panda Warmers for the Olds Hospital - Maternity, Labour & Delivery.

These unique pieces neonatal medical equipment offers immense benefits to babies immediately after birth.

  • Panda Warmers are utilized in all births to immediately warm the baby as the pediatric teams assess the infant.

  • The special warming properties allow the baby to stay open (unclothed and unwrapped) for the team to easily assess and evaluate the baby, and for footprints and banding.

  • The latest Panda Warmers provide easy access to controls for oxygen, suctioning, weighing the baby, and emergency equipment needed to maintain airway functions.

    Panda Warmer demo interaction being done by staff at the Olds Hospital, AB
    Panda Warmer demo interaction being done by staff at the Olds Hospital, AB

Patient Room

Current Campaign

31 New Hospital Beds

Each bed costs approximately $18,000 each.  To ensure a cushion we are committed to raising $300,000 over the next two years. With the Luft and Ross Family Hospital Equipment Trust, we already have $150,000 towards our goal.

Has enhanced health care in Olds made an impact on you or a family member?

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​The Olds Health Care Fundraising Committee is dedicated to investing our expertise and resources  to improve health care in the Town of Olds.

Qualified donations will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Registered Charitable B.N.: 11929 6416 RR0001

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