Meet Carol, who joined the Olds Healthcare Fundraising Committee (OHFC) in January 2025. Carol has always been passionate about creating a better world.
She spent nearly 30 years as an award-winning professor at BCIT and The Beedie School at Simon Fraser University, inspiring students both online and in person with her remarkable ability to make the complex understandable and the mundane exciting. Currently, she is revisiting her lifelong interest in artificial intelligence, a subject she has studied and is now teaching for free through non-profit organizations.
When Carol isn’t exploring the intersection of art, science, business, and technology, you can find her volunteering at the local SPCA or in her kitchen, perfecting recipes under the watchful eyes of her feline companions and indulgent husband.
She looks forward to contributing to the quality of healthcare in Olds and collaborating with others on this committee who share the same dedication to this important goal. Together, let’s work towards a better future!