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Digital Displays for Donor Recognition

Writer: Olds Health Care Fundraising CommitteeOlds Health Care Fundraising Committee

A meeting took place the week of November 1st, between Site Manager of the Olds Hospital and Care Center, Wayne Krejci and members of the Olds Healthcare Fundraising Committee::Sylvia Harder, Ed Hildebrand, Riyaz Abdulla, and Chairman Barry McCurdy. The meeting discussed the plan to transition to digital donor recognition.

The primary objective of this project is to install state-of-the-art digital displays that will not only enhance recognition but also allow us to express our sincere gratitude to our previous donors.

But that's not all! These displays will also serve as a captivating means of visualizing committee memberships, revisiting past projects, showcasing purchases, and providing a sneak peek into our upcoming events!

Here's a question for you: How do you believe these digital displays can help us deepen our relationships with the community and our cherished supporters? We eagerly await your ideas!

Stay tuned for our updates as we continue this exciting journey together!

Patient Room

Current Campaign

31 New Hospital Beds

Each bed costs approximately $18,000 each.  To ensure a cushion we are committed to raising $300,000 over the next two years. With the Luft and Ross Family Hospital Equipment Trust, we already have $150,000 towards our goal.

Has enhanced health care in Olds made an impact on you or a family member?

Share your story with us by sending us an email to

​The Olds Health Care Fundraising Committee is dedicated to investing our expertise and resources  to improve health care in the Town of Olds.

Qualified donations will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Registered Charitable B.N.: 11929 6416 RR0001

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